The seas calmed in time for today's trip to Santa Cruz Island. For bird watchers, the island has a special meaning. It is the only place in the world you can see Island Scrub Jays. I found a cooperative who posed for the photo below.

The views were spectacular, but there were not many birds. I did see 16 surf scoters near the island. And the captain pointed out four new birds for my list while we were taking the one-hour trip from Ventura Harbor to the Island.

Pelican Trail at Prisoner's Harbor

Most people got off at the first stop, Scorpion Point. Ten of us proceeded to the second stop, Prisoner's Harbor. We were told there was only a 50% chance of seeing one of the island's foxes at our stop. Although we did not see one at Prisoner's Harbor, we did get to see one on the shore at Scorpion Point on our return trip.

The dolphins put on a show for us.

Total species to date: 195